About Me

I am certified hatha yoga teacher (Swami Satyananda Saraswati – student of Swami Sivananda – Bihar school of Yoga )
(more than 500 hours of education) in Denmark with midwife – yoga teacher Camilla Lund Camilla Lund, (Guni Martin student, Guni Martin was direct student of Swami Satyananda) and internationally with Indian (Swami Gurupuja direct student of Swami Satyananda) and Italian very recognized teachers (Donatella Devadarsi- Donatella Angelini Devadarśi – Soham – So Ham association in Como, where I am also part of the directive of the association as consultant in yoga and science), Maya Swati Devi (tantric yoga academy) Maya Swati Devi | mayaswatidevi (devitantrayoga.com).
My main interest is the body and mind wellbeing and I connect these studies with my job as a researcher in toxicology, food safety, human health and environmental health.
I am certified to teach also yoga to kids all age and I experienced teaching yoga to special need children.
I am constantly updating myself following So-Ham Como teachers, in particular Donatella Angelini and Swami Gurupuja, Rossella Baroncini Rossella Baroncini – Yoga courses in Florence (Vanda Scaravelli student), Maya Swati Devi (tantric yoga academy). Only along last year (2020) I did more than 100 certified hours of updates.
I am passionate about shiatzu, reiki ( I have the 3rd level) and meditative healing techniques as tibetan bells, gong, gently massage and deep presence.
I experienced teaching in special courses for wellness out and in the water, in particular for back problems and disabilities, I followed diverse courses and updates in (yoga for back pain, yoga for chronic pain, yoga for autism, yoga for stress and anxiety, yoga for children, yoga for pregnancy, face yoga, postpartum yoga, yoga nidra, pranavydia).
Regarding pregnancy I have also attended the prestigious education of MIPA (international movement active birth lead by Piera Maghella –Mipa Centro Studi – Movimento Internazionale Parto Attivo (mipaonline.com)– ) in Italy following the courses of “pregnancy and movements in the water”, “ babies in the water”, “active birth” with as teacher also the famous Danish midwife Susanne Houd.
Other activities: I have a PhD in health and environmental risk assessment, and I am a recognized researcher in the field of public health and chemical toxicology. After have been working in research institutes and universities, last positions as Post Doc in Food and Toxicology Department in DTU – Denmark, I started in February 2020 my small company as independent researcher and at present I am collaborating with international research projects about public health, gender equality, toxic chemicals, one health. I have been recently involved in COVID-19 studies in particular with the international One Health research groups. I love to teach yoga to help directly people and do research to understand the connections with science and to potentially help many people with big research projects.
Languages: I can teach in English, Danish and Italian

Bøssemagergade 80, 3150 Hellebæk, Denmark