
Online regular sessions:

These are regular group class online. I use ZOOM for these online sessions, but in case you can´t be present live I record the class and send the link to the recorded class . I prefer to know personally (brief phone call / private session / mail ) every participant to adapt the class to the students.
This yoga classes once a week would like to embrace everyone, also who can´t move from home, also who has special needs. We will start with breathing exercises, continue with easy and accessible yoga poses that you can do also if you have special needs. You will each time receive a mail with a link to the recorded class and some more info about the class and yoga tradition.

Yoga online gravidanza:

Questa classe di yoga online in italiano e´ dedicata a tutte le donne in dolce attesa, dal primo all´ultimo mese di gravidanza. Faremo insieme esercizi di respirazione, rilassamento e dolci pratiche yoga soprattutto dedicate al benessere in gravidanza e ad evitare fastidi a livello della colonna vertebrale, ma anche ci divertiremo insieme con muovimenti morbidi e dolci . Vi sara´anche spazio, in un gruppo whatsapp online per scambi, discussion e specifiche richieste. Inoltre vi saranno lezioni extra specifiche , per esempio pranayama per il parto, visualizzazioni, rilassamento in gravidanza, pratiche di benessere e consigli di doule ed ostetriche. E´preferibile un percorso continuato . Nel caso non si possa partecipare live alle lezioni la lezione e´ sempre registrata e il link alla registrazione viene inviato a tutte le partecipanti .

Yoga online in italiano:

Questa lezione di yoga settimanale vuole essere un appuntamento fisso per tutte le persone , ad ogni possibilita´, anche con bisogni speciali.
Si iniziera´con esercizi di respirazione , continuando con semplici ed accessibili posizioni yoga che possono essere effettuate anche da chi ha bisogni speciali . La lezione termina con un rilassamento.

Yoga post parto online in Italiano:

In questo corso (aperto a tutte le mamme dalla 1 settimana post parto ai primi sei mesi – ci sara´poi un corso dai 6 mesi ai 12 mesi) , ci si trovera´ ogni settimana 1 h (piu´qualche chiacchera pre e post corso 🙂 ) per pratiche yoga di benessere e rilassamento post parto, unite ad esercizi specifici adatti a lavorare sul perineo, sulla parete addominale e su tutto il corpo in generale . Per ritrovare energia, divertirsi insieme ai bimbi e stare bene. I bimbi sono ovviamente parte del corso e le lezioni come sempre verranno registrate se non si riesce a partecipare a qualche lezione. Il costo e´75 kr a lezione o 10 euro . Si consiglia un pacchetto di 5 o 10 lezioni. Vi saranno anche approfondimenti con corsi di massaggio bambini, vissuto post parto con persone esperte


The practice of Pranavydia originates in the Tantra and involves awakening of energy , it is referred to also in the Upanishads.
It is written that in order to expand consciousness you have first to awake the energy.
Through Pranavydia we can increase the prana within the body and body in order to help the experience of consciousness.
It recharge of energy / vitality / improve functioning of all inner organs , digestion, endocrine system, respiratory system, circulatory, hearth, brain , muscles , nerves
Make harmony in all organs so they can play beautifully the life melody .
Expansion of consciousness to obtain mental clarity , awareness and ability to cope situations
Things are easily understood and a definite purpose seen behind thoughts, actions , expressions.
Increased rationality/control of emotions

Yoga Nidra

Yoga nidra is a simple and deep technique from the traditional yoga practice. It helps deep relaxation, it’s therapeutic for sleep problems, anxiety, stress. Plus it can be used as a meditative technique.
“Yoga Nidra is a practice where the relaxation is complete because it works on the process of relaxing the mind together with the body.
In yoga nidra the consciousness is in a state between waking and sleep, called hypnagogic state in modern psychology. In this status the mind is particularly receptive, and it can be used for inspirations, intuitions. One´s true nature and integrity manifest, giving the so called “opening” of the 3rd eye.
We can call yoga nidra the art of relaxation, where most of psychosomatic illnesses can disappear, e.g. stress, anxiety, diabetes, hypertension, migraine, asthma, ulcers, skin diseases, digestive disorders, sleep disorders.
In yoga Nidra the problem of tension is worked out in different levels, from muscular tension, emotional tension, mental tension.
The deep, conscious relaxation found in yoga nidra is equivalent to hours of ordinary sleep without awareness.
Yoga nidra does not depend on suggestion and persuasion. The instructor is only a guide. The practitioner consciously cultivates his own inner faculties and allows the intuitive inner knowledge to blossom forth.”
from Yoga Nidra ; Swami Satyananda Saraswati

Short relaxation or short pranayama practice:

Customized relaxation short practices to find relaxation of body and mind, along a busy day, in a difficult period. It may help in case you need to face many stressful tasks. They last circa 10 minutes and they can be tailored on your specific needs.
Short pranayama practices can be explained and recorded upon request.

Long relaxation – visualization

These practices are longer relaxation and visualization, and they can be customized upon special request, in case you need to go through an hard period, you have a specific need ( eg an important event to face, pain in specific part of the body, stress, anxiety ,..) and you would like a personalized long practice (circa 30 min).

Private single session:

The private session is a customize 1:1 class that can last 30/35 minute to 1h or even longer If necessary.
It can be a yoga class specific for your needs, it can be an explanation of some sequences, positions, pranayama, relaxation, or other techniques. There will be discount for regular private sessions or if you are already part of a class. The private session can be also online (using ZOOM platform or another preferred platform) or in your place (in case the place is within 5 km from Hellebæk-DK- no transportation expenses request)

Private group session:

The private group session is a customize 1:1 class that can last 30/35 minute to 1h or even longer If necessary.
It can be a yoga class specific for the group needs, eg corporate yoga in your office , group of mum post partum yoga , prepartum yoga , birthday yoga . It can be an explanation of some sequences, positions, pranayama, relaxation, or other techniques. There will be discount for regular group private sessions.
The private group session can be also online or in your place (in case the place is within 5 km from Hellebæk-DK- no transportation expenses request)


Together with the love for yoga I have a special love for the water. I am certified swimming teacher with more then 20 years of experience , I am also bathing assistant and I have a preparation in water wellness, yoga in the water, water therapy, watsu (shiatzu in the water) , pregnant women and special needs children and adults.
I can also help in open water swimming session and free diving .

Private sessions:

I offer private swimming classes to adults, children (all ages, from 3 months ), special needs (mental and physical special needs).

Group session:

I can offer group swimming classes ( to be discussed by phone mail how many people/children and the type of activity request).
The groups can be of adults, colleagues, children (all ages, from 3 months ), mother groups with their babies, special needs.
The private session can be in your place or a swimming pool or seaside nearby you (in case the place is within 5 km from Hellebæk-DK- no transportation expenses request)

YOGA for families and children

These classes are dedicated to children all age and their families. They can be customized for special needs and I usually do also for special charity projects.

YOGA and SWIMMING- water wellness for special needs

I have experience in special needs (physical and mental) kids and adults and I can help with specific yoga classes or swimming and water wellness classes . It can be 1:1 class or small groups or with a parent /friend /family member that want to learn which activities can help the special kid or special adult to get better.
Water has a special feeling for special needs kids and adults, it embraces all body, return to the the time we were in the belly and in specific some exercises can really help to improve mobility and mind wellness, giving more harmony to body and mind.
Special adapted yoga is magic for special needs kids and adults because it can gently help to breathe better, relax body and mind, be more aware of the body and improve coordination and social skills.

Yoga in contatto – babywearing e yoga post parto

These classes are dedicated to children all age and their families. They can be customized for special needs and I usually do also for special charity projects.




Bøssemagergade 80, 3150 Hellebæk, Denmark